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keep track

vb. To monitor; to track or record; to understand or follow.

Usage examples of "keep track".

Any that was found was measured, photographed, and recorded so the Resource Management team could keep track of the cougars in the park: where were they?

Give them anything they need on the science front, and keep track of progress on the second project.

The record book is where we keep track of all kinds of information: our clients' names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Dagger hated to miss more than just about anything else, would be easy to track with that storm of emotion roaring off him, and Tirdal could keep track as he decided how to execute his plan.

There are so many corpses and so many villans that it is hard to keep track of it all.

Betty craned her neck, trying to peer through the windshield and keep track of him, but he was gone.

I keep track of most of his accounts, and I write almost all his letters, and—.

All transmissions from any given shuttle thus carried the same IFF code so the logs could keep track of them with no effort from any human personnel.

Alicia's armor's AI tried to keep track of who had command, but the hurricane of fire pouring up from their intended landing zone was killing people too quickly.

There are a lot of good things about getting rid of government, but one of the downsides, I guess, is the loss of all those little gnomes in cubicles who used to keep track of everything.

That might just mean one of the randomly scattered sensors that permitted the humans to keep track of Posleen movement.